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Achievements – AshDan SPS


Achievements 2018-08-01T08:58:15+00:00

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  • Supporting the European Community (ECHO and DEVCO) in developing its policy document and training on Resilience, Risk Informed Programming and Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • Supporting the OFDA funded ‘Build a Better Response’ initiative by developing, piloting and rolling out 6 2-day training workshops on the current International Humanitarian Architecture
  • Trained senior staff for UN agencies the Red Cross and NGOs, particularly in humanitarian operations and Cluster Coordination with the Health, Shelter, WASH and Nutrition clusters.  With UNICEF, developed, piloted and trained trainers in global training in Emergency Preparedness and Response, including Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • Supported and practiced governance in Stroud Green primary school, North London.
  • Developed the Good Earth Trust as a start-up NGO focusing on cost-effective eco-friendly technology for housing in Africa and successfully raised the profile of a specific technology, interlocking compressed earth block technology.
  • Led the evaluation of UNHCR’s Tsunami response, co-led an evaluation of Oxfam’s programme following Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in Gaza and was part of a 2-person team evaluating a response to the Sichuan earthquake.
  • As CEO for 10 years to 2006, contributed to the improvement of humanitarian action by helping lead the 10-fold development of RedR from a small London based organisation with 4 staff, to a truly international organisation working with 5 colleague offices around the world.
  • From 1992, led the development of RedR’s successful training programme, now delivering training to thousands of aid-workers in humanitarian operations world-wide.
  • As board member for 10 years, helped guide the initiation and development of People in Aid, a highly respected initiative within the humanitarian sector.
  • Co-authored in 1995 “Engineering in Emergencies” one of the top resources for humanitarian operations. With Tim Foster initiated the annual Emergency Personnel Network Seminars.
  • Research, development and training in simple irrigation technology in Africa, including the award-winning Rope-Washer Pump, since successfully taken forward by PumpAid.
  • As a key researcher in the team, successfully influenced government policy change in Zimbabwe on water resources for small-scale agriculture. This involved in-depth environmental and socio-economic research, publications, conference presentations and advocacy with government.
  • Led a technical field team on a feasibility study for rural water supply in Zambia.
  • Learned a lot building water pumps, simple stoves and biogas tanks in Tanzania, with Concern.
